Dogo Store Customer Privacy
Dogo Store takes as a goal to provide safety shopping experience to its customers.
The worldwide preferred secure and valid communication protocols are used by courtesy of 2048 bit SSL Security Protocol, your credit card information directly sends to your bank encoded and this information is highly secured thus impossible to be reached during the process. Certainly, no one can reach your credit card number.
The risk of your credit card information being stolen on daily usage is much riskier than online shopping. In daily life, While paying with credit card you have to give your card to someone else and therefore the privacy of your credit card is highly risked. The Credit card information that is used during your purchase is encoded independently from Dogo Store and interrogated to your bank. It is certainly not possible this information gets stolen and displayed by other people or corporations. Besides, the credit card owners always have the right to object online purchases. Your credit card information is not kept in our system.
Dogo Store Newsletter
You can sign up to Dogo Store and activate your newsletter subscription, if you want to be informed about our special offers and discounts. To offer you high-quality service, and to inform you about newly released products, special offers, discounts, and invitations; name, e-mail address, phone number, postal code, age, sex, shopping preferences might be asked during registration process. We also use this information to personalize the notifications to your interests. If you do not want to receive newsletter from Dogo Store about discounts and services, you may find the unsubscribe link below of the e-mail.
Please contact us
Address: 10014 Sokak No:1 A.O.S.B. PK 35620 Çiğli / İZMİR
Phone Number : 0 850 277 36 46 / 0 232 431 05 31
Fax Number: 0 232 431 05 52
Working Hours
Weekdays: 08.00 am - 05:00 pm