The Muse Collection was inspired by the paintings of Vincent van Gogh, Gustav Klimt, Wassily Kandinsky, Claude Monet and Edvard Munch, among the world's most famous painters. The feelings, dreams and impressions that artists turn to express themselves in their works are reflected in our shoes, bags and t-shirt designs with the DOGO MUSE Collection. These painters, who led many art movements and art styles, continue to be an inspiration from the past to the present.
Choose the Artist That Reflects You :
Vincent van Gogh
Post - impressionism
Post-impressionism is a French art movement that came to life as a response to Impressionism and its criteria for the naturalistic depiction of light and color. Post-impressionists ignored all the limits, instead they painted their memories, emotions, and imagination on the canvas. They used geometric forms, distorted forms, and unnatural colors fort he most expressive effect.

Vasily Kandinsky
Expressionism arose in Europe in the early 20th century. Expressionists worked on reflecting their emotional state rather than their physical reality. They focused on scenes of death, agony, and anxiety in distorted and emotionally charged paintings. They chose to look inwards to discover a form of ‘self-expression’ that offered them an individual voice in a world that they perceived as insecure. In those years, Europe was largely influenced by the wild, intense expressions of Expressionists.

Claude Monet
Impressionism was developed by Claude Monet and other French artists in the early 1860s. The impressionists managed to capture the momentary and transient effects of sunlight by working quickly in the open air. They used short brushstrokes of pure and unmixed colors, not smoothly blended as were in the trends back then. Impressionists believe artists should focus on the feelings and thoughts aroused in themselves by what they see in nature and put realism and objectivity aside to reveal their rebellious spirit.

Gustav Klimt
Symbolism was created as a reaction to art movements that presented the natural world realistically by the Symbolists who were looking for an escape from their everyday life. Symbolism enables communicating ideas and emotions through symbols and looking beyond the forms, lines, shapes, and colors to comprehend the meaning. Most symbolists painted through wide strokes of unmodulated colors for creating abstract figures and forms.

Edvard Munch
Expressionism arose in Europe in the early 20th century. Expressionists worked on reflecting their emotional state rather than their physical reality. They focused on scenes of death, agony, and anxiety in distorted and emotionally charged paintings. They chose to look inwards to discover a form of ‘self-expression that offered them an individual voice in a world that they perceived as insecure. In those years, Europe was largely influenced by the wild, intense expressions of Expressionists.
Symbolism emerged as a reaction to art movements that presented the natural world realistically by the artists who were looking for an escape from their everyday life. Symbolism enables communicating ideas and emotions through symbols and looking beyond the forms, lines, shapes, and colors to comprehend the meaning. Most symbolists painted through wide strokes of unmodulated colors for creating abstract figures and forms.

Regardless of its branch, art conquers all about human beings and reflects the history of humanity. It conveys moments from the past to the present, from paintings drawn in the cave to paintings created with sound frequencies with artificial intelligence. It is almost impossible to remain indifferent to a work of art. Every viewer finds parts of himself. Sometimes it makes you think for hours, sometimes it makes a small feeling huge. It re-transmits what is in you through the eyes of the artist. Unstoppably, he draws all the attention to himself. Art conquers all about man and humanity!
While you are living your life with passion and courage, DOGO MUSE collection inspires every step of your life… Remember that you are not alone in the world…